Monday, June 21, 2010

Am I a bright light?

So I was driving home tonight from a study. (I guess its technically a book study, but it's really like a Bible study, because I am learning so much about the Lord and being challenged constantly! Pretty much it's an awesome book so far, I'm only 2 chapters in but I recommend it -Radical by David Platt.)
Well, the drive home from my friends house is down these dark back roads that are known for deer.. you may have heard of Garners infamous white deer! Deer+night=bright lights. So I proceed to cut on my brights. As soon as I round a curve BAM! Another car is coming up. So I flick my lights down to normal. I turn my brights back on, and as soon as I come around the next bend there is yet another car coming. First of all I don't know where all these cars are coming from. Second of all, I start to get really annoyed at this pattern. it never seems to stop. And then the worst of all happens, a car comes along going the opposite way and oh so nicely forgets to flip their brights off, so now I'm driving blindly and seeing spots everywhere.
That got me thinking... Am I like my bright lights? Or I guess it would more accurately am I like me as a driver?
Think about it:
I'm going through life in a world surrounded by sin (like the dark back roads). I'm jamming along to my Christian music with my lights all bright until...a car comes up. I turn my lights down, not to make things easier for me, but to keep the people I come in contact with comfortable. When I turn my lights down I can't magically see like I can with my brights on. It makes it harder for me. Like when I "tone down" my passion for the Lord because I don't want to make someone uncomfortable. I dare say everyone reading this has done that at least once...this week. Then, as soon as that person is gone BAM! It's like nothing happened. The lights flick back on and everything is back to normal. Then the worst of all happens. That car comes up on the other side and doesn't turn their brights down!! They are not afraid of what other people will think, they want to continue to live their life for Christ, even if that makes people (that being me) uncomfortable. Why can't I always be that person who just doesn't care, but wants to live wholly and completely surrendered to the Lord that gave EVERYTHING for me? The past two nights I've heard about how Jesus CHOSE NOT to pass the cup... that cup not being the pain and torture from the Roman soldiers, but that cup being the WRATH of GOD that was meant for you and me. And JESUS took that wrath for ME! Why am I afraid to make people "uncomfortable" if it means a door would be opened to share with them about the Savior I am so passionate about?
So my challenge for me, and for anyone else who reads this, is am I letting my fears and comfort lead me, or am I letting the Lord of all lead me?

**DISCLAIMER- please do not think I am in support of always having your actual bright lights on at all times when driving. Please continue to be respectful of everyone else on the road. Thank you :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

My cousin told me that I should just leave my blog at my first post. He said that you can't mess with perfection. I must say, even though I agree to some extent, I didn't want to deprive you of all the random thoughts that I have.

Puzzles are a new addiction for me. I have worked about 5 different ones within the past week or so, one of them being a 3-D Thomas Kincaid. One puzzle took 2 whole days, just to figure out that while the pieces may fit together, they don't always go together. I had a piece of the border in the wrong place, throwing off the whole inside.
I wouldn't mind being married to a Crooner so he could sing to me all the time while I sit around and work puzzles. That would be a pretty awesome life. Especially if I live at the beach, we can sit out on the back deck all day long. That's it. I'm ready to retire.

I also have a new found fascination with guns. Recently I played Laser Tag for the first time in a few years. It was extremely fun. I actually got the second most kills the second game (the only reason I didn't the first game is because the targets on the wall shoot off lasers and hit everyone near them. I didn't know that, and when I shot it, it told me "Nice Shot," so I continually shot what was apparently shooting me back). Then today I got little miniture water guns for Valentines day. That sparked up a pretty spontaneous night that ended up with an intense shoot off with air soft guns. So look out, next thing you know I'm going to be getting a shot gun!

Tomorrow I am heading to Virginia for our FCA retreat. I'm extremely excited, this will be my second year, although I feel like I've been going for forever! I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone I met last year, and possibly staying up until 4 am playing Signs again. We'll see! One thing though, this Tuesday at FCA we talked about how Christianity today has become so event-based. I know that I tend to become very focused on different events coming up, which takes my focus from God to the event. So hopefully this weekend will really challenge me to step up in my faith. Maybe I'll come back ready to head back to the real world focused on the right target. (I felt like I needed to relate it back to guns somehow.)

Oh and you may want to make sure no stray cats come out towards the house...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why you shouldn't trust Wikipedia

So I've finally decided to give in and start blogging. I know, I never thought this day would come either.

Well, you're probably wondering why on earth my blog is called Confessions of a Chipmunk. Honestly, there's absolutely nothing special about it. I was just randomly thinking about how awesome the squirrels are here at ECU today. When I sat down to create this thing and come up with a title, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about the squirrels. So I decided to have a name about squirrels. Then it hit me, I could name it after the squirrel's adorable little cousin, the chipmunk! So there you have it, my absolutely pointless explanation of my ridiculously pointless title.

Alright, so here it goes. Today while I was trying to set this up I somehow got on Wikipedia, and somehow ended up looking up Gibs, which is a nickname. It turns out that Gibs is an actual word, used in computer games, and it means various sized body parts or fragments produced when players are damaged or killed. So pretty much, the term gibs comes from the word giblets, which is all the yucky insides of a turkey or chicken. Great. And to make it even better, I then somehow ended up at the page for Gib, and the first thing it says is that gib may refer to a castrated cat or ferret. So my last name means that I am the son of a castrated ferret.

Today at work, I went from thinking about squirrels to tearing up. I was listening to the Passion podcast from Uganda way back in June. I recommend to everyone who has a heart for Africa to listen to it. But what really got to me was the part when Chris Tomlin was singing with the Matoto children's choir in his new song Love. These kids are all AIDS orphans, having lost either one or both parents to AIDS. They sang a part of the song in their native language, Luganda. They sang "O-kwa-ga-la-kwe, Ku-singa-byoo-na," which means "His Love is the Answer." Wow. These kids, with all they have been through, are singing about Christ's love being the answer. We can all learn a valuable lesson from these precious Ugandans.